Wow, have we been away THIS LONG? Really? Well, there have been some good reasons surrounding this extended absence from our blessed blog. A masters degree has been finished (Oct. 2010) and much knitting has commenced.
Janie and I have finally gotten ourselves involved in craft shows. It is quite an experience. Finally WE are the people sitting behind a table-o-stuff saying "How 'ya doin'?" to the passers-by, anticipating an "oooo" or "awwww" as they look at all we have to offer.
We began in September 2010 with the Cowtown Indie Bazaar. This was a wonderful experience for the inexperienced. Everything was organized and simple. Even though I was in charge of organizing the musical performances for the event, Janie and I managaed to meet and greet many potential customers, hand out some "business cards" we had to write on pieces of notebook paper (doh!), and make some sales.
Then we had the Soul's Harbor Community Church craft fair in October which was good exposure and an opportunity to network with other folks.
Then we moved up to the big time and ventured into the Big D. No, not D-I-V-O-R-C-E,
D-A-L-L-A-S. We signed up to be a non-food vendor for the White Rock Local Market. This was such a fun show. It was from 8am-1pm and we did the best we had ever done. We were finally validated for all the work we had done in our own little knitting worlds. Janie and I could say, at last, that we are getting paid for what we love to do.
Isn't that the whole point of life before retirement? In some areas of the world, I'm sure it is.
Come on out to the Catholic Charities of Dallas on November 18th between 6:30pm and 10:00pm to buy some great holiday gifts from vendors promising to make a donation to the church.